We find the best way to learn something new is to jump in and put all fear aside.
Ok. This might not be the best solution for everyone or every situation, but with the USCCA Online Community Forum, we all have the ability to read and learn at our own pace. Whether you’re new to the self-defense realm, professional gunsmith or a self-defense lawyer, there are many topics to dive into.
The neat thing with this community, it’s open to everyone. Non-members can join the conversation and get real world knowledge and feedback from Firearm enthusiasts, Professionals and even corporate USCCA moderators to get answers quick. Take the time to create a profile today and join the conversation.
Not going to lie, we’re fairly new to the community forum, but it’s an awesome way to connect, learn, and build relationships.
The USCCA Community Forum has (4) four main categories: Training, Guns & Gear, Legal & Political and Miscellaneous. From there, find hundreds of different topics per category. The best way to find a certain topic is to use the search bar. Trust us, scrolling sucks, BUT one can find some interesting content/topics. If a topic cannot be found, create one.
Take a few seconds to create a profile and join us.
Also, be protected right away and join thousands of Certified USCCA / Delta Defense Members.
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us. We’ll point you in the right direction.
Stay well and stay safe!