The founder of Nomadlund, LLC, Cory Ley, is a USAF (2x Afghan) Veteran and served as a B-1 Bomber and C-130 crew chief. Growing up in central Minnesota, the love for the outdoors, extreme sports and searching for the next adventure was constant. Cory acquires a few degrees, which includes a bachelor of science in business administration, associate of applied science in gunsmithing and currently training to become a licensed mechanical engineer. This will ultimately support our larger goal of designing, manufacturing and distributing **100% American-Made** parts and products for our outfitting community.
Nomadlund Outfitters supports exploring America’s great outdoors and constitutional rights as an American citizen.
AMENDMENT II – A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
To support this effort, our continued mission is to offer high-quality gunsmithing, firearm/survival training, outdoor gear rental options and to reinforce our outfitting community.
While in the military, three (3) core values were taught to live by, which are: integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do.
As Nomadlund Outfitters’ concept was being built, USCCA (United States Concealed Carry Association) was introduced in 2021. This eventually provided Nomadlund with a top-tier firearm and emergency first aid curriculum to support already established values.
Less than one (1) hour drive time north of downtown Minneapolis, Nomadlund Outfitters provides a 2,000 sq. ft. shop/training facility on johnny’s lake, near the 200+ acre springvale county park. Want to get away for a day, weekend or entire week? Rent our gear for an out-of-state trip or journey 30+ miles of rum river. Also, ask about our popular 3+ hour or all-day rum river kayaking runs!
Be ready with Nomadlund Outfitters.
Cory Ley – Founder of Nomadlund, LLC